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EPA (pain organization) Presidents
B. Berthold Wolff, PhD (Founding President)
Raymond W. Houde, MD *
Frank S. Caruso, PhD
W. Crawford Clarke, PhD
Ada G. Rogers, RN
Abraham Sunshine, MD *
Gerald M. Aronoff, MD
William H. Sweet, MD, DSc, DHC *
Charles E. Inturrisi, PhD
Robert E. Kaiko, PhD
Thomas G. Kantor, MD *
Edith Kepes, MD *
Russell K. Portenoy, MD
Richard Chipkin, PhD
Laura Lewis Mantell, MD
Alexander Mauskop, MD
Ronald Kaplan, MD
Nancy Z. Olson, MPS, CCRC
Michel Dubois, MD
Allen H. Lebovits, PhD
William K. Schmidt, PhD
Donald C. Manning, MD, PhD
Dania Chastain, PhD
Michael L. Weinberger, MD
Gary W. Jay, MD, FAAPM
Naum Shaparin, MD
Christopher Gharibo, MD
Neel Mehta, MD
* Deceased
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